Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout : " there she blows 登上捕鲸船上你将听到一个水手的高喊: “它在那喷气!
He and two of the original crew had been dropped in their opensailing boat by an american whaling ship off the ryukyu islands 在琉球外海,一艘美国捕鲸船放下了他和两名当年的同伴乘坐的小船。
The campaign is to target japanese whaling ships , which the fisheries agency of japan this year says are to more than double the catch of minke whale 这次战役针对的目标是日本的捕鲸船,因为今年日本渔业署表示将可捕抓超过两倍的小须鲸。